Getting to Know You: Simple Box’s Experience at the Whatcom County Home & Garden Show

At the beginning of March, we had the unending pleasure of participating as a vendor at the Whatcom County Home & Garden Show. For three full days, we had a blast talking to attendees, getting to know Simple Box containers and show off our 8’ x 10’ exhibition box, andperhaps the most exciting partwe gave away tons of coupons, Simple Box coffee mugs, and more!

Having fun on delivery day

We began the weekend much like we begin the Simple Box journey with our customers. The day before the event, we delivered our exhibition box to the Home & Garden Show site. Since the delivery truck couldn’t fit inside the venue doors, we used a forklift to settle the box in its position.

Once snugly in place, the box received attention from Evan, our mod extraordinaire, to get set up with the electrical unit, complete with an overhead light, outlet, and light switch. Finally, with shelves in place and decorations neatly lined, our model was runway ready.

We love facetime!

With two shifts per day staffing the booth, we were able to have a large number of our team attend the event. Although many people drive past our office every day, they still didn’t know quite what we were up to, and we loved having the opportunity to talk directly with potential customers and talk to them about Simple Box containers. For some, we offered an easy solution to storage issues that they’ve experienced for some time. We’re ecstatic to have the ability to make their lives a little easier.

Attending these events always helps to boost our confidence in our role in the community. In fact, the very first person who visited our booth made his first steps toward purchasing one of our 40’ containers! The excitement around our services lets us know that we provide true assistance to the community, and seeing this firsthand gives us such joy.

Who can say no to SWAG?

Not many can argue that Stuff We All Get is one of the best parts of attending a conference. Not to brag (okay, maybe to brag a little), but Simple Box provides some of the best SWAG.

Beyond coupons and special deals for attendees, we had Simple Box mugs complete with a voucher for free coffee from the vendor next to our booth. In the Pacific Northwest, where we’re known for our coffee craze, we couldn’t give out the coffee mugs fast enough. As we watched attendees walk by sipping complimentary coffee from our mugs, we had to smile knowing that we provided additional fuel to get through the busy day.

If you’re visiting an event that we’re attending, you must stop by, even if it’s just to get your post-lunch caffeine kick.

Ruminating on the event

As an active business in the community, we never say no to the opportunity to get to know community members, whether or not they’ll someday become a customer. Attending events like the Whatcom County Home & Garden show allows us to not only see how we can serve the community better through our services but to also learn about ways we can help make the community a better place.

Just as we met people who were excited to learn that our services exist and tell them about Simple Box containers, we also met browsers who were simply curious about what we offered. Unlike retailers, we don’t often have the chance for face-to-face interactions with casual shoppers, and these events help us to assess the needs of those who haven’t even considered our services before.

We’re in the business of constant self-improvement. While our booth exists to help make our services known to potential customers, almost more important are the things we learn from those visiting our booth that reveal the areas we can grow, both as a company and a community member.

We loved attending the Whatcom County Home & Garden Show, and it only served as a premiere weekend to a busy month of events. If you’re attending an event where our booth is present, don’t be shy. Come say hi and grab a cup of coffee on us.

Ready to Learn More About Container Deliveries?

At Get Simple Box, we ensure on-time, hassle-free delivery, so your container arrives ready for use—letting you focus on what matters most.


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