2014 Thrive award

At Simple Box, one of our primary reasons for being in business is to make a difference. Our founder, Ross Black, was recently presented with a nationwide award for his contributions to the community. We don’t share this story to brag about an award, but to thank our customers and our team members for helping us help others.
SBA Reporter Success Story – Ross Black – 10.22.2014 SBA Emerging Leaders Graduate Ross Black – owner of Simple Box Storage in Lynden, WA – was selected among thousands of graduates across the U.S. as the Local Leader winner at the annual “thrive!” awards hosted by Interise, the organization that provides the SBA Emerging Leaders curriculum. Ross was selected for the award due to his outstanding commitment to the community. During the past decade, Simple Box Storage has used shipping containers, trucking and logistics assistance, and financial aid to give back to those who need extra assistance during life-changing events like floods, fires, or restorations. “I’m very honored to receive this award. I feel like it’s a team award because so much of what I have been able to do in the community is only possible because I have such a supportive team on my side,” Ross said. “They know my heart and my goals and they work hard so that we can use the business to make a difference.”

SBA local leader award winner

You can read the rest of the story here: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USSBA/bulletins/d5fae8 Whether it is publicly recognized or barely noticed, we hope to always be the ones to leverage our resources for the good of others. If you have an idea of how Simple Box could help change the world or make a difference in the community, let us know in the comments or call us toll-free at 855-855-4BOX!

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