Get Simple Box Partners with the Salem Leadership Foundation

Every year at Get Simple Box, we like to partner with and support organizations that align with our core values in making a difference within our Salem, Oregon community. Since 2019 we have had the privilege of coming alongside the Salem Leadership Foundation to help support the homeless during the winter months by providing containers for warming shelters and crisis centers.

The Salem Leadership Foundation was founded in 1993 as a way for churches in the community of Salem-Keizer to directly support those in need by connecting churches with local business and civic leaders. This network helps provide for those who are most at risk in our community. Today, the Salem Leadership Foundation continues to support those in need by directly supporting CaN Centers. CaN Centers offer space, food, clothing and art to those without a home in the Salem Community.

Since 2019, Get Simple Box has had the opportunity to support the Salem Leadership Foundation by delivering 9 boxes to 6 different locations including warming shelters and crisis centers. We help transport items between locations by moving the boxes loaded. In addition, we waive all delivery, pickup, and moving fees when we are transporting the boxes. It has been our pleasure to provide two boxes completely free of any rent charges since 2019.

We have seen first hand how the Salem Leadership foundation has multiplied the positive changes in our city by bringing together faith leaders, business leaders, and civic leaders. They continue to help at risk kids and families in our community through church/community partnerships. In addition, they are very active in serving our homeless population by providing resources and recovery programs.

We love that SLF is committed to bringing leaders together to make our community a safer and better place to live for everyone. Their faith based approach and work in unity with people from all backgrounds has made them a pillar in our community. We are privileged to come alongside them and support them in giving back to our community.


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