Partnering with Believe with Me: A Shared Mission to Make a Difference

At Get Simple Box, one of our primary missions is to make a difference in the lives of people – locally, nationally and globally. One of the many ways we are doing this involves giving money to organizations that align with our values and highlighting the important work they do. Today we recognize the incredible work of Believe with Me.

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How Believe With Me Started

Believe with Me really started as a high school project by Lyette Reback to give Christmas gifts to Gold Star kids (children whose families gave the ultimate price in serving our country.) Realizing the need was so great and the impact was so significant,  Believe with Me has since grown in its mission of not only serving but inspiring the next generation to live in a manner worthy of contributions these Gold Star heroes have made to our nation’s well-being. As Believe With Me’s mission has expanded to support families affected by the ultimate sacrifice of their loved ones, it’s clear that their work is a vital lifeline for those grappling with loss.

Believe With Me’s Work

Believe with Me provides support and assistance to families who have experienced the devastating loss of a loved one, including those who have been killed in action, killed in training, taken by PTSD-related suicide, or affected by service-connected illnesses or active duty accidents. Practically this looks like:

  • Raising awareness for the needs of Gold Star families
  • Providing Christmas Gifts to Gold Star Families
  • Providing financial assistance to Gold Star Families
  • LemonAID – more than lemonade; it empowers the families of our fallen heroes with your support
  • Freedom 4-miler to raise support and awareness of their mission

Believe With Me’s Work Matters

Believe with Me  knows that the mission is great. With over 15,000 post-9/11 Gold Star Children, over 46,000 parents who have lost a son or daughter serving in our nation’s Armed Forces, and  over 440,000 family members impacted by the death of a loved one in the military,  their work matters now more than ever. The impact is profound, and their dedication is inspiring, as Lyette and others pour their hearts and resources into the mission, selflessly giving their time and talent without compensation, ensuring that even more lives can be touched and transformed.

Get Simple Box is Proud to Support Believe With Me

In recognition of their tireless efforts to support the families of those who have dedicated their lives to serving our country, we’re proud to partner with them by sponsoring the Freedom 4-miler run and by making annual donations. We’re passionate about their mission and encourage you to learn more.

How to Get Involved in Believe With Me

Believe with Me can continue to grow and impact more lives with your support. Support can come through many different ways such as:

  • Liking their Facebook page and sharing their posts
  • Donating a gift at any amount
  • Joining in their Freedom 4-miler run
  • Hosting a LemonAid stand 

By partnering with Believe With Me, we’re proud to play a small part in amplifying their impact and honoring the sacrifices of those who have given their lives in service to our country