Get Simple Box Sponsors the Ski to Sea Race for the 13th Year

We’re beyond excited to share that Get Simple Box has once again sponsored the legendary Ski to Sea Race, marking our 13th year of partnership with this iconic event. This annual race, which we’ve proudly been part of for the last 13 years, is more than just a sponsorship for us—it’s a celebration of community, endurance, and the spectacular beauty of our region.

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What is the Ski to Sea Race?

For those who might be new to the area or the event, the Ski to Sea Race is an incredible multi-sport relay race that kicks off at the snowy peak of Mt. Baker and winds its way down to the waters of Bellingham Bay. The race includes a series of seven thrilling legs:

  1. Cross-country ski
  2. Downhill ski (which starts with a challenging uphill climb)
  3. Downhill run (an exhilarating 8-mile descent)
  4. Road bike (a grueling 42-mile ride)
  5. River canoe (a scenic yet tough paddle on the Nooksack River)
  6. Mountain bike (an adventurous ride from Ferndale to Bellingham)
  7. Kayak (a final push across Bellingham Bay to Marine Park)

The race has deep roots in our community, with its origins dating back to 1911-1913 and its modern revival in 1973 during the Blossom Time Festival. The name “Ski to Sea” reflects Bellingham’s unique geography, where you can experience both mountain and sea within an hour.

Why We Love Supporting the Ski to Sea Race

Supporting the Ski to Sea Race is a highlight for us every year at Get Simple Box. This race embodies the spirit of our local community—its love for adventure, its commitment to endurance, and its celebration of our natural surroundings. We believe in fostering these values, and what better way to do that than by being part of such an inspiring event?r business inventory? A 10 foot shipping container has got you covered. Looking to transport your belongings for a cross-country move? These containers are up for the challenge. Their compact size makes them easy to maneuver and position, whether you’re placing them on a construction site or in your backyard.

Our Journey with the Ski to Sea Race

Our journey with the Ski to Sea Race began over a decade ago. Each year, we’re thrilled to not only sponsor the event but also at times host a team to participate in this iconic race. In 2014, the Get Simple Box Ski team won first place in the Masters Division!

Why It Matters to Us

At Get Simple Box, community involvement is at the heart of what we do. The Ski to Sea Race allows us to connect with our community in a meaningful way, support local athletes, and promote a spirit of adventure and resilience. It’s events like these that remind us why we love what we do and why we’re proud to call this area home.

So here’s to another fantastic year of Ski to Sea memories, and many more to come! Thank you to everyone who makes this event possible, from the organizers to the volunteers and, of course, the incredible athletes. We can’t wait to see what next year brings.

Visit them on their website: and find a racer. See you there!