Why We Chose a Moving Container: A Real Customer's Journey to Stress-Free Relocation

We recently had the opportunity to chat  with Brittney and Trevor, who shared their experience with a  Get Simple Box moving container during their big move to a new city. Their story offers valuable insights into how opting for  a container streamlined their process and made the entire move much easier. Brittney and Trevor’s journey highlights how planning ahead, choosing the right moving method—specifically Get Simple Box—and having the flexibility to manage their own timeline contributed to a less stressful moving experience for their whole family.

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Meet Brittney and Trevor: A Family’s Journey to a Stress-Free Move

Brittney and Trevor’s recent move was not their first experience with relocating; they had previously made a significant transition from Montana to Washington using a U-Haul. However, this time around, they found that using a Get Simple Box moving container made the process far easier and less stressful. As Brittney put it, “Using Get Simple Box was easier and less stressful than any of our prior moves.” The couple moved to start a new job and brought along their whole family, including their daughters and dogs, which added another layer of complexity to their move. To prepare for this transition, they began planning three months in advance, ensuring they had ample time to organize their logistics. Key highlights from their moving experience include:
  • Previous Experience: They had relocated from Montana to Washington before, using a U-Haul.
  • Family Focus: The move was motivated by starting a new job and included their daughters and dogs.
  • Planning Ahead: They began preparations three months prior to the move.
  • Managing Anxiety: Brittney noted her worries as a mom but found the actual moving day manageable.
  • Confidence in Service: Brittney reflected,
“I was nervous about the move due to prior experiences, but the actual move part was not stressful.” A key factor in their confidence was their choice of moving service; knowing they could rely on Get Simple Box to handle their belongings alleviated much of their stress. As Brittney explained, “… with Get Simple Box, we had everything in place and knew the company and the people that helped us move.” This sense of assurance allowed them to focus on the excitement of their new chapter while feeling secure in their decision.

The Decision-Making Process: Choosing Get Simple Box

As they embarked on their moving journey, a crucial step was determining the best method for their relocation. Brittney shared how they first learned about moving containers:

“We first heard of moving containers when Ross (CEO of Get Simple Box) started the business. What made it [moving containers] attractive was the ability to take our time and keep the container longer, which brought us greater peace of mind. With U-Haul, we had to return the container within just a few hours.”

Understanding the benefits of using Get Simple Box helped them feel more confident in their choice. Brittney emphasized the importance of reviews and personal connections during their research:

Personal Connections

“If we hadn’t had firsthand experience with Ross and others, we would have looked for reviews.”

Reliance on Reviews

“The first thing I do is rely on reviews with real people’s interactions with the company. I had friends and people who had already used Get Simple Box and gave me good referrals.”

Their past moving experience also played a significant role in their decision. Brittney recalled her previous move from Montana to Washington using U-Haul, quickly realizing it wasn’t a method she wanted to repeat:

Challenges Faced with U-Haul

“I would not use U-Haul again because it was expensive and had a short time frame between loading and unloading. From that past experience, no U-Haul for us.”

Cost and convenience were major factors in their final choice. Brittney highlighted that while Get Simple Box might not be the cheapest option, it provided exceptional value:

Value Over Cost

Get Simple Box was a much better value for what you get. It may not be the cheapest, but you get so much more in terms of convenience and flexibility. It can be a lot more affordable than what people think, and it is WAY less stressful.”

This thorough decision-making process allowed Brittney and Trevor to choose a moving method that suited their needs and reduced the stress typically associated with relocating.

The Moving Experience: A Smooth Transition

Once Brittney and Trevor had decided on Get Simple Box, they experienced a seamless and organized moving process that further validated their choice.

Efficient Delivery and Pickup

From the delivery of the container to the actual loading and unloading, they were impressed with how everything unfolded. Brittney shared that the delivery of the container was handled efficiently:

“The box was picked up from our house at the end of the month, then went back to the yard, and when moving day came, it was delivered to Salem. It went very smoothly, and the drivers are the best.”

Packing with Ease

The couple took their time packing up the container, spreading the process over a couple of weekends. They unloaded lighter items during the week and dedicated one day with friends to tackle the heavier things. Brittney noted the ample space the container provided:

“I was very surprised at how much we could fit in there, especially with a family of five. It was surprisingly spacious.”

A Comfortable Unpacking Process

After the container arrived at their new home, they continued to unpack at a comfortable pace over the course of a couple of weekends, employing a bigger crew for the larger items. This flexibility in their timeline was a significant relief for Brittney. She highlighted their biggest concern before starting the move:

“Our main worry was the timeline. There were gaps of time between loading and unloading. The Get Simple Box storage containers made it super easy with loading and unloading on our own time. It was super simple and easy!”

Peace of Mind

Pleased with how their belongings were handled, Brittney was relieved to find that nothing was damaged or broken, especially since the container was placed with care. When asked if they faced any unexpected challenges during the move, Brittney confidently stated:

“Honestly, everything went well. There were no surprises.”

This positive experience solidified their decision to choose Get Simple Box, allowing them to focus on their new chapter without the stress often associated with moving.

Advantages of Using a Moving Container

Brittney and Trevor’s experience with Get Simple Box highlighted several key benefits that set moving containers apart from traditional moving trucks or professional movers.

Flexibility and Control

One of the most significant advantages was the ability to move at their own pace. Brittney noted,

“The flexibility to load and unload on our own schedule made everything so much less stressful.”

This autonomy allowed them to manage the emotional and logistical aspects of the move, especially important with kids and pets involved. The couple appreciated that they could take their time packing, ensuring they didn’t feel rushed.

Enhanced Security

Security was another major factor in their satisfaction with the moving container. Brittney remarked on the peace of mind that came with knowing their belongings were safe:

“The container has a secure lockbox that fits right to it, so we didn’t have the same concerns we had with U-Haul. We worried that someone could cut the lock and take everything, but with Get Simple Box, we didn’t feel that way at all.”

This sense of security contributed to a smoother moving experience, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their relocation.

Ground-Level Loading

The design of the container also made a difference in the physical labor involved. Brittney highlighted how ground-level loading simplified the process:

“In comparison to U-Haul, the ramp made a huge difference, especially for heavy items. It was such a relief not to deal with extra payments or complicated loading.”

Weather and Theft Protection

Lastly, the container provided excellent protection for their belongings. Brittney expressed confidence that their items were safe from theft and weather-related issues:

“We felt incredibly secure. There were no concerns about weather damage or theft; Get Simple Box offered us peace of mind.”

Overall, these benefits contributed to a positive moving experience for Brittney and Trevor, reinforcing their decision to choose Get Simple Box. The combination of flexibility, security, and ease made their transition not just manageable but enjoyable.

Moving Day Moving Containers Get Simple Box

Reflection and Recommendations

Now that Brittney and Trevor have completed their move, they took a moment to reflect on their experience and offer advice to others considering a similar approach.

Looking Back: What Would They Change?

When asked if there was anything they would have done differently, Brittney replied:

“No, it went as smoothly as it could. Moves are never the best thing, but everything happened as it needed to.”

Their positive experience was a testament to the careful planning and choice of moving method.

Satisfaction with the Decision

The couple is still very happy with their decision to use a moving container. Brittney expressed:

“Definitely yes! If we had to move again, we would choose a moving container 100% again because of the time and convenience.”

This strong affirmation speaks to the effectiveness of their choice.

Advice for Others Considering a Moving Container

For those contemplating the use of a moving container, Brittney has straightforward advice:

“Go for it! Moving containers give you extra time and take stress off your plate. If things can get complicated with timelines, you’re already prepared for it, so it’s absolutely worth it.”

She also emphasizes the importance of customer service in the moving process, noting:

“All the staff at the Lynden office were wonderful and easy to work with. Anyone that moves with GSB would be happy with their customer service.”

Temporary Storage Benefits

The couple utilized the container for temporary storage between locations, which contributed to a smoother transition. Brittney shared:

“We returned the container about a week or two after we unpacked. Having that flexibility was huge!”

This allowed them to manage their timeline more effectively, especially since moving plans can change unexpectedly.

Recommendations for Get Simple Box

Brittney and Trevor would not hesitate to recommend Get Simple Box to friends and family, noting:

Get Simple Box was always a good option due to reviews and recommendations. It’s clear they care about their customers.”

Exceeding Expectations

Lastly, when asked if the moving container service met or exceeded their expectations, Brittney enthusiastically responded:

“Yes! It exceeded them. I was looking forward to it, and it met all my expectations, especially after having a bad experience before. It gave us more freedom without the constraints of a strict schedule.”

Final Thoughts on Moving Containers

When considering using a moving container, Brittney advises prospective movers to prioritize thorough research:

“Make sure to look for reviews and ensure that the customer service will be as good as the product. When looking at pricing, focus on the real final number; many companies don’t show the accurate costs in their quotes.”

Reflecting on her overall experience, she concluded that the flexibility of having the container for multiple days made a significant difference:

“The idea of having our own timeline instead of a company timeline is huge! Many things can change during this period, and it really helped alleviate stress.”

This reflection summarizes their overall satisfaction and highlights the benefits of choosing Get Simple Box for their move, making it clear that their positive experience is one they would gladly repeat.

Brittney and Trevor’s experience with Get Simple Box showcases the transformative power of choosing the right moving method. Their journey highlights how planning ahead, leveraging the flexibility of a moving container, and relying on exceptional customer service can turn a typically stressful event into a smooth and manageable process. With a focus on security, convenience, and peace of mind, they not only successfully relocated their family but also set themselves up for a positive new chapter. For anyone contemplating a move, their story serves as a testament to the benefits of considering a moving container, emphasizing that with the right tools and support, relocation can be an exciting adventure rather than a daunting challenge.

Get Simple Box truck with moving container


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